Dead: Phantom     

Species: N/A. Type: Phantom. Class: Dead. Align: %Roll: 01-50: Evil, 51-00: Good. Gender: N/A.


Level: 11 + 1-D30. Damage-Points: 3-D12 +3 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 140 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 27, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 25, Taste: 0, Touch: 0, Vision: 28,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 24, Constitution: 30, Coordination: 40, Dexterity: 40, Intelligence: 23, Mental-Strength: 60, Strength: 20 Strength is only considered when another can physically touch the spirit (like another spirit), Wisdom: 23.



Flying: 33. Grounded: 33. Swimming: 33.


Luck: 1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: Does not need oxygen to exist.

Blood-Points: Does not need oxygen to exist.



Astral Touch ---- : 1

Drain Damage -- : See: "Special Offenses".

Range ------------- : 1 space (5').

Attack type ------ : Spiritual.

Special ------------ : Touch of the Dead: Causes victim to age 1-D4 years (+1 D-4 years) per 3 levels advanced unless a successful avoidance-roll vs. “Faith” is made.


Defense: 40 (70 for levels 32+). Offense: 40 (70 for levels 32+).


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

01+ to have 3-D6 item checks.

Begin checking on the Rare chart.


Additional treasure checks are as follows:

45% chance of having 1-D4 Artifacts.

55% chance of having 1-D4 Enchanted Armors.

55% chance of having 1-D4 Enchanted Weapons.

15% chance of having 1-D2 Oracles.

10% chance of having 1-D2 Relics.



Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description - : Height: 6', Weight: Weightless, Color: Translucent white, Texture: Intangible, Hair color: Translucent white, Hair texture: Fine (intangible), Eye color: Translucent white with mists that slowly revolve deep within silver pupils, Eye shape: As the Race it is, Posture: Biped. Note: Ethereal mist-like strands constantly shed from this enchanting spectrum, trailing slowly from its form as do the snowy mists from high snow-capped mountains.


Dislikes ----- : The Spirit Phantom abhors the constant state of lifelessness it endures. Weapons and spells of a spiritual nature greatly disturb and frighten this creature, for wounds caused by such attacks heal 1,000 times more slowly than the wound of a living person. Phantom Spirits shun bright light and fire. Though harmless against it they may be, such things have a distinct displeasure upon it. If a Phantom Spirit is subject to this, an avoidance-roll vs. "Faith" and "Pain" must be successful each turn, or it must withdraw.


Disposition - : The Phantom craves the companionship of an amiable soul. You see, this forlorn, forsaken, soul is lost, caught between the living and unliving world; its eternal rest is not complete. The company of another has a most desirable and soothing effect upon its being. And even though a companion is much desired and yearned for, the warmth of such a companion may stir up feelings within the mind of the Phantom; voracious passionate cravings of what it once was. These yearnings for the life it once possessed, now beyond its reach, can drive it mad with desire; desire that can lead to delusions. And these delusions can cause rash thinking and acts most terrible.


Note: It may be that the Spirit Phantom does not care. The portrayal of morals and scruples of this creature are strictly up to the discretion of the G.M. If a Spirit Phantom is in company with the living, it must successfully make an avoidance-roll vs. "Mental-Attack" every time the living come within 3 spaces (15') of it. FAILURE Spirit Phantom cannot resist an embracing attack upon the living. SUCCESS Spirit Phantom remains in control of its hunger.


Special: After the first turn of attack, the Spirit Phantom can attempt another avoidance-roll vs. "Mental-Attack" to control its hunger and withdraw from the living.


Fears -------- : Spiritualists, Spirit abilities, spells and weapons. When this creature is slain by such attacks, it is destroyed forever.


Habitat ------ : Many regions and settings.

Immunities - : Fear, Non-spiritual Magic, Mental attacks that are considered non-spiritual, Paralysis, Petrification, Tracking (the Phantom can feel the warmth and life-force of another that has set a trap for up to 2 moons after it has been set.), Trap (the Phantom can feel the warmth and life-force of another that has set a trap for up to 2 moons after it has been set).


Life-span --- : The Phantom is already dead, therefore it cannot die again. It's existence is eternal. If destroyed, it will be gone forever (erased from existence).


Likes -------- : None.

Needs ------- : None.

Note --------- : The Phantom Spirit is a random race type in appearance, yet transparent-white, resplendent in its manifestation. It is attracted to the life force of the living, craving the warmth of the life it once possessed.


Concerning characteristics: It seems logical that some characteristics should not apply, thus why roll them up? The physical strength of a Phantom Spirit might not apply to grappling or touching another living, physical, being (read "susceptibilities" (above). If intangible creature encountered another of its kind, both could influence each other as if it were physically. characteristics are important to keep track of.


Special Abilities:

Intangibility: This creature is intangible; it can walk through solid matter.


Special Defenses:

10% Magic-Resistance vs. spiritual magic and effects.


Special Offenses:

Fear of the Dead: When encountered, a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Fear" must be successful or this creature will be drawn to that person or creature.


Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: A Phantom Spirit's relative has great emotional impact upon it. This influence can directly link the Spirit of the deceased with the relative. If a Phantom Spirit destroys its own relative, it will feel his or her misery forever.


When in the presence of a relative that does not fear its departed kin, a Phantom Spirit will actually feed on his or her confidence, thus being comforted. This succor will calm and strengthen the Phantom Spirit's self control.


A true relative can physically touch its own dead kin (the Phantom). The more distant a relative is the less physical and emotional support that can be given. At approximately the 7th generation, a Phantom Spirit will feel almost no soothing effects (other than the slightest comfort of knowing it is near a loved one).


Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-0 (or better) spirit weapon. Spiritual abilities, powers and spells also effect this creature.